Get a comprehensive view of the markets with TradingView's real-time market data

Gain a complete view of the markets using the advanced TradingView platform
TradingView - a market tracking platform with multiple trading tools
TradingView is the largest web platform for technical analysis of stock, financial and currency markets, as well as a social network for traders and investors. The site was launched in the fall of 2011 as an open platform for exchanging trading and investment ideas. Today, it is available in 18 languages, and the number of visitors to the site exceeds 8 million per day. TradingView features a variety of visual tools for working with interactive charts, technical and fundamental analysis. TradingView makes it easy to track changes in currency prices.
Is the TradingView platform useful for traders?
Yes, now every stock exchange has its own charts with a basic set of tools, but their capabilities for technical analysis are very limited compared to TradingView. Therefore, we recommend using this platform for technical analysis of the market. Most of TradingView services are available for free, but there is also a paid subscription with extended functionality.
TradingView interface when drawing charts
Trading features of the TradingView platform
Let's take a look at the main tools and features of the TradingView platform:
  • Interactive charts of almost all trading platforms and markets of the world.
  • A huge set of drawing and charting tools for graphical analysis.
  • Technical analysis indicators.
  • Event alerts on price charts for browsers and mobile devices.
  • Saving and publishing what you have drawn both as drawings and as interactive charts.
  • Publishing trading ideas and forecasts of users with their evaluation and discussion.
  • General and private user chats, the ability to send private messages.
  • A trading panel built into the platform interface, which allows you to make transactions on some exchanges.
  • Built-in interactive charts and widgets for websites.
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